Despite a little blip a few weeks ago, my bowel continues to do well. 2-3 times all normal. If my stool is loose or if I go 4 times I take 2 imodiums and fibre to head off anything worse. I'm eating and enjoying foods that I could only dream off; have gained 30lbs from last year ( too much!!) and have been told how healthy I'm looking
However....Immediately following my last Stelara injection I developed severe joint pain. It's unrelenting. My knees are swollen and full of fluid and my hips are so painful. I've now been diagnosed with arthritis
. This is incredibly hard for me as my QOL has been drastically effected. I refused steroids because of the mental health side effects. The rheumatologist wondered why I wasn't taken the percocets addition to making me loopy & nauseous, I can't risk going through withdrawal again. She increased my gabapentin and if that didn't help after 2 weeks I'm to start cymbalta .
She's sending me for an MRI which will take months. I asked about
supplements but she said they don't work. So, I'm not sure what to do.....I'm hobbling around and moaning.....pain is causing my mood to be snappy and tearful. I've been struggling with depression.
My next Stelara is Apr 25 and I'll be tested for antibodies.
Although the rheume was thorough and saw me urgently she offered little hope but said that I may have to stop Stelara. I'm at a loss. And frankly, this sucks. Big. Time.
Any suggestions? How do I choose between a good bowel and mobility? Other than xelijanz I can't think of any other options......