straydog said...
Hi Nikki, welcome to Healing Well. Sorry to read that it took so long to get a diagnosis. What medications are you on to treat? Are you currently in a flare or what? A good site to learn about this disease & different medications used to treat is
We are all following the guidelines to avoid exposure as much as possible. Staying away from people except to go to the store, medical appts & so forth. Keeping down community spread is vital.
I limit myself to my local news in the evening to keep track of what is going on in my city & state. I do not read about it on the internet news, nothing like that. Staying glued to the tv or internet will just cause stress that I do not need. I find ways to distract myself.
Take care.
Thanks for responding. I am on humira the new version that don't sting. They treated me for 20 years for UC ad since science has come so far from that time,;they made an accurate diagnosis and right now I am in admission. I am locked in my room now. It is hard for anyone to bring me food and I have a 14 year old to feed,but he has to also be isolated.So I am scared and hungry at a sad time for me. He goes in the kitchen and find something to eat.I guess people do not want to get the virus if I have it.Thanks for the welcome.