I was diagnosed with UC in 2007. Tried messalamine and it failed. I went on Remicade and it gave me 7 years of remission
. This year Remicade stopped working. I had started having blood, mucus, urgency, horrible gas. I had a sigmoidoscopy in nov and there was moderate inflammation in the lower part of my GI track. My GI started me on Xeljanz a month ago and so far not much relief. The blood actually got worse. I contacted my GI again in early Dec and she started me on Pred. the Pred helped with the urgency and started seeing a bit less blood but still showing alot of symptoms. She hospitalized me this week for iv steroids. She did a sigmoidoscopy and said that I haven’t healed as much as she would of liked and that she noticed narrowing of my colon hence why i am having a hard time pass still and noticed scar tissue. She said normally this is seen in Crohns patients and not UC patients. This is is stressing me out
does this mean I will need surgery? I will talk to her again in Jan for the next steps. Have a lot of you been misdiagnosed at the beginning?