Today is a bad day. I don't know if I am going to scream, cry or curl up. I am feeling all of these things and I think that my friends and family are tired of hearing about
I was finally off of Prednisone only to be put right back on it again because I am still flaring. Now I am back up to 20MG per day and feeling all of the anxiety, shakiness, and sleepliness that I thought that I was rid of. A few weeks ago I was feeling OK and now I realize it was only the Prednisone keeping me there. My GI has not determined the next treatment yet so I am in a holding pattern for now. I am so scared that I am going to end up back in the hospital again.
I know I was in denial that I would complete the course, taper off and go on my merry way steriod-free. This is my first big set back (I was only dx 4 months ago) and I feel like a failure. I know many of you have lived with this DD for years and have it much worse than I. How do you handle it?