Had a SBFT these past two weeks and both came back with my CD being asymptomatic. New GI believes in B12 shot every month and has taught me to give them to myself (I prefer to do this, doesn't hurt at all). He has cut back on the meds, no longer taking 6mp or pentasa because I am on Remicade. As he said "I don't want to see any weird cancers and since I am on the the big gun anyway, doesn't feel it is necessary to keep these meds going unless I go into a flare. I have now been off these meds for 2 months and the test still came back asymptomatic.
He did find that my blood sugar is elevated along with my cholesterol. Moving to Diet Dr. Pepper was not a pleasent experience. Real Dr. Pepper is the nectar of the Gods. But by doing so, my blood sugar dropped to 102 and tryglicerites dropped from 262 to 90. Lost 21 pounds in the process and so my fat gut doesn't get in the way when I do my "poser" riding on the bike. Well love ya'all and hope you find relief from this DD too.