I am a 28 year old female, married and two kids. I have had CD for 13.5 years now. I was diagnosed on Christmas Day 94 and had my first surgery New Year's Day 95. I have had an ileostomy ever since then. My CD has always given me alot of problems. I was unable to finish school in a public school, so my mom home schooled me through the state. Then when I went and got a job after high school I had surgery every single year. Luckliy I had a job where I got laid off for 3-4 months every year. After 5 years of working my doctors told me that I could no longer work due to the stress. So I went onto disability.
In October 2006, I decided that I was feeling great and that I would try to go back to work. I worked for a month and ended back in the hospital. It has been almost a year now and I have been in and out of the hospital 3 times. Everytime I go off of Entocort I get a mojor flare-up about 1 week later. I have joint pain bad and sometimes cannot even move. My stoma has had CD in it so many times that now it is not working right. So now I am putting up with the CD in my stomach and my stoma not working right.
I have no colon and only half of my small intestine left. They took my utures when I was 23, and now my nerves to my bladder are damaged so I have to get the Interstim Therapy put in.
Is there any recommendations on maybe something I could do to help put the CD back into remission. I just started Yoga to help relieve the stress from my body. I am hoping that will work a little bit.
If anyone could give me some pointers I would greatly appreciate it.