you are so very welcome!! i looked so long and hard for answers with my DD that if anyone else can benefit that is GREAT
good idea to google it there are lots of websites w charts. my DD avoids almost all fruits and certainly all additives/colourants etc. going low salicylate has been life-changing for us. msg or email me anytime if you want a list of my bookmarked sites or just ideas and support. PS...if you ever find out how to consume salicylates w out getting the reaction please let me know!! we are always hoping for an answer that will work so that DD can eat more foods.
is your rash contstant? or intermittent? my DD gets a constant rash that spreads down her neck when she eats corn, plus the intermittent red hot cheeks. living 30+ years w crohns makes it likely that you could develop new allergies. in my experience you cant trust a derm to help you w that. they like to put creams on rashes and give meds w out looking for why the rash is there in the first place. lots of ppl w rosacea had it completely disappear with food eliminations. clearly allergies are the culprit in at least some ppl. good luck!
sometimes it is just one cheek w my DD too. my doc insisted that it could not be what she was eating. i did my own research and then viola...took out salicylates (and many other foods before that until we figured out what it was)...red cheeks gone! take care!