Hi I know it's been a while but I'm back.... And when I say back I mean yeah pretty much in a flare. I was being weened off the Entocort and that just didn't work all the symptom starting coming back. I ended up in the hospital for 4 days for dehydration and pain control and my K was critically low (that was in august). Of course, my GI tells me my blood work looks "normal" and I just shouldn't be having these "symptoms". WHAT?? Ok I can't help I've having these symptoms, I didn't ask for them. And also I have developed these "KILLER" headches. My PCP says they are Migranges. WHY? anyone else "develope" migranes as a result of an IBD?
I hope someone can offer some insight into my mystery. A flare with Normal blood work ? Migranges? I'm just not sure I can do this again.....