I had a hemorrhoidectomy and a couple of skin tags removed- and then I found out I have Crohn's. That was six months ago, and the incisions still haven't healed completely.
I was miserable after the surgery. It was very painful, and the pain meds didn't help much. It was 4-6 weeks before I could sit normally. (I went into the hospital at the four week mark, and when I came out two weeks later I was able to sit again, so I'm not sure exactly when it happened.)
As awful as the experience was, I can't completely regret it. I was in constant pain with the hemmies. I'm an Office Manager, and sitting at my desk every day was miserable. Having a bm was agony. I frequently had to lay down for a half an hour or so afterwards, just to recover. Even my first bm after the surgery was less painful than it had been before the surgery.
I've heard of people having this done and being back at work in a day or two with no pain. That was absolutely not my experience. It wasn't just sitting that was a problem, either. Walking was very painful, also. Basically, anything that jostled the area hurt. Just shifting in bed could take my breath away. Sneezing was enough to make me scream. Think about every time you engage the muscles in your pelvis. That all hurt.
I don't mean to scare you. I know my situation was pretty much worst case senario. The fact that I had undiagnosed Crohn's, and that the surgery kicked off a major flare, made the whole thing worse than it had to be, too. But I do think some doctors soft pedal the recovery from this surgery. It's no joke.