Surgery should be reserved to when your quality of life becomes unbearable. Now you sound like you are getting closer, but I want you to remember a few things. You may have surgery and go right into remission, but you never know with this disease it could come right back. I have had two resections and can tell you while I do feel better, my life has changed alot. I can no longer eat anything I want. I find that food does not move thru me the same anymore and I must stay on a low residue diet. I get very nauseous very easily now. My second resection was because of scar tissue build up at the site of the previous reconnection. I have alot of scar tissue/adhesions inside and they give me quite a bit of grief too.
Crohns wise I am doing pretty good, but I reminded now everyday that I have Crohns. I use to never even think about it. I am glad I had the surgeries because life really sucked when I was nauseous 24-7, but I am having to deal with a new set of issues now. Surgery is not something to go into lightly. You say you have good days and bad days. I can tell you before my second resection everyday was a bad day, thats why I decided to go ahead with the surgery. The first resection was an emergency, had no choice that time. So weigh your pro's and con's and make the decision that is right for YOU. Only you can say how bad your quality of lif is. Good luck and God Bless!
Gail *Nanners*