hello all. never posted here before, but i figured i'd throw my 2 cents in...
i was pretty much a text book chron's case. diagnosed at 16 (after a years or so of symptoms), had the whole range. cramping, fissures, fistulae, clubbed nails, ulcers (everywhere), granulomas .... you get the idea.
at any rate i was put on a host of drugs including pentasa, asacol, prednisone, and a couple more that i don't recall. i kept up with my meds daily, but with little to no effect.
when i was 17 (my impressionable years)
{TEXT edited by moderator}.i know this is not the solution for everyone, (or maybe it is) but i figured it's worth a try.
good luck, i feel for you all.
ps - in college i wrote a paper but in it cited my personal story. my professor had circled 'chron's' on my paper and made a note to the side that said: my girlfriend has this. so i approached him after class and said 'hey, you should tell her to give this a try, i know how horrible it is'. .. his reply: 'the same thing happened to her'.
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Post Edited By Moderator (Ides) : 12/7/2007 4:20:14 PM (GMT-7)