Last year before my DX there were a few nights when I went to bed with a fever and woke up with my fever gone and completely soaked in sweat, not kidding, my bed looked like I had dumped a glass of water on it, you could even see where my legs were. It was as if every pore on my body just gushed out sweat. That hadn't happened in over a year when all of a sudden it has started happening again only this time I haven't been having a fever, and I am waking up 4-5 times a night with my hair and night shirt soaked and sweat dripping from behind my knees and elbows. I am not hot, actually I am usually cold. Is this a symptom of Crohns? I am breast feeding my three month old son and quit taking my Asacol in July. I have started having symptoms of a flare for the past 4-5 weeks but am trying to avoid the Dr. and meds.
anyone else ever have this happen? what do you do?