73Monte...I believe the skin issues are related to the CD in the auto immune sense like pb said. I do not officially have excema or any other diagnosis, but I get many skin related issues. The occur when I flare and also when I catach any kind of viral infection or a severe cold. I think the immune system is weakened then by fighting off the othe issues and the skin problems arise.
I am extremely fair skinned and have excema and skin cancer in my parental family hsitory. I watch my skin carefully. Try to protect her skin as much as possible [like I have to tell a Mom that
] from extreme sun and also cold. I have found that sweat can bring on an attack on my face. I keep a towel by if it is hot or I am working out to keep dabbing my face...especially where my glasses touch my skin.
I also found a very gentle skin cleanser & toner and a seprate moissturizer that have helped keep my face from problems the last two years. Let me know if want the brands.