I'm obviously not an expert or a doctor or anything...(disclaimer
) And I think CrazyHarry, who is the resident expert on this diet, is away on vacation... But I know he would say start in Phase 1--it's the ONLY way. It breaks the body's dependence on carbs and has a detoxing effect.
That said, since you're in the midst of a flare, here's what others might recommend. We just had a post here titled "Has anybody tried a liquid diet to achieve remission?" Here's the link:
You can read my posts there about
my son doing this for 9 days to stop a flare. Our doctor told us it would take longer, but thankfully it didn't. Others posted that they do the same thing and gave tips....Maybe it would work for you!!! The important thing here: A liquid diet is clinically proven to be as effective as prednisone in stopping a flare. Just ask Writer, she is the expert on this. Anyway, one thought might be to try an elemental or semi-elemental liquid diet for a few weeks to calm things down, and then very slowly re-introduce solid foods that are part of Phase 1 of the Maker's Diet. CrazyHarry will tell you he started in Phase 3, saw a little improvement, but a few months later re-started the diet in Phase 1 and began to have drastic positive results.
We started the diet in Phase 3, but my son wasn't flaring at the time. In fact, technically he may have been in remission.
If possible, you might want to search the archives for CrazyHarry's previous posts on the diet. He gives lots of good information and encouragement.
These are just my thoughts. I hope this helps a bit! Good luck to you!