Hi there
I have severe PG and I have had this for over 14 yrs took 9 yrs to DX me: I have had the sores for Months at a time
'I am totally scarred from the sores mine have been so deep they go to bone and I have had one about
8 inches all around nearly lost my leg actually
All scar tissue is very tender and if I bang it I will break back out IF under stress or CD is acting up
WHEN i get that bad although it is not Bacterial ,I am put on IV antibiotics Rocephin2 grams every 8 to 12 hrs I also take methotrexate and folic acid ........
If you want to email me it is at the side I have pics and I can send then to you or you can pop in the search and see if they still come up .
When I first joined HW there was 2 of us DX with this it is now becoming more of prob with CD'ers than ever before
I am so bleeding sorry I DO feel your pain believe me as I have said so many times I would rather give birth to triplets unmedicated than deal with this
I also do the pred but a stright 50 mg dose and then taper after 2 weeks or depending on the outbreak I am not a candidate for Remicade due to other health issues........and I am in Ontario Canada where it is not widespread in its useage yet ........sadly enough
Please do take care...LYN
I will be back on in early am to answer anything I possibly can and I am sure others that have will also IF you reply by then k ......
Be well