Lilcrohnie, I've been Dx with Anylosing Spondylitis. It's a type of auto-immune, inflammatory arthritis that is commonly associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Other names are Spondyloarthropathy, Spondylitis, Enteropathic Spondylitis and Reactive Arhthritis.
Here, in the US, there is technically no real Dx called "Crohn's Arthritis", although many Docs, especially GIs, blow off peoples symptoms with this expression. Certainly, the older Crohnies may well have a certain degree of Osteoarthritis, which is a wearing down of the joint and coomon as we age. Many others may well have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is yet another auto immune disease, but both of these forms of arthritis are very different from the inflammatory arthritis that is common for us.
Most people with an inflammatory arthritis begin the process with joint pain that cannot truly be Dx. There is little visible damage to the joint on x-ray and often, there is little or no obvious swelling. I suffered for over 20 years with what they called "tendonitis" when in fact, I was having inflammation of the tendons, ligaments, synovium (lining of the joints) and even of the bone.
Like you, I suffer the most in the mornings, or any time that I sit still for too long. I walk a fine line between activity and rest in order to keep my body happy. First thing every morning is pain meds and then slow gentle stretches, usually while in the shower under hot water.
I'm been treating both my gut and joints with Humira every week for almost a year now and although I am not great, I am considerably better. My Rheumy wanted to add Methotrexate to my meds, but I refused it and did give in to a daily dose of 20mgs of pred. That helped some, but not as much as I'd hoped and I've gotten to the point where I've sort of accepted that this is just where I'm at. I'll never be pain free, but I am better able to move than I had been last year.
There's an excellent website about
Spondylitis that I'd recommend you take a look at. The Spondylitis Association of America has a great deal of info about
the different forms of SpA and the treatments. I hope that this can offer you some help, if not physically, then at least mentally and emotionally through knowledge. It so much easier to cope with medical problems when you fully understand them.
Best wishes to you.