I really don't know what to say, except tell you my thoughts, and how I handle things. For me depression was a huge factor of not feeling good. It still is sometimes, but not as bad as before. I would wake up in the morning and refuse to get out of bed, put my make-up and dress for work. Even when I started work again after a bad flare, I would only do it, because it payed my bills. BUT, after a few months, I slowly started enjoying work again, because I realised it was helping me get my mind off my disease, plus the fact that I felt I was being productive. So now every morning, I get up, have a hot shower, put my make-up on and dress, and I look so beautiful that no one knows I have a chronic disease. Even if I'm having a bad day, it always helps to come to the office and chat with my colleagues, my symptoms are not that bad, as when I am home thinking what could go wrong with my health.
My tip for you, is take small steps each day. Try and focus on how beautiful you really are physically and mentally, and plan small things to do during the day, for example you will start a really good book, or enjoy a nice film, or invite friends to your house. Try to work 5 hours every day as offered, and see how it goes. I manage to work 8-9 hours a day, and raise my children, and have a social life. When I have my bad days, I just try and relax, close my eyes, and say to myself, that this is not forever, good days will come too.