I would have answered your question about
the top down therapy in the other post but it kinda spun off into the healthcare issue!
Okay, in my particular case I believe I became pred dependent only because my liver can't handle the Imuran at full dosage. This is also why I believe I have to take the Humira every week instead of bi-weekly. Having said that and accompanying the fact that my CD was so severe when diagnosed is to be taken into consideration. My entire pelvic floor was full of pus when they opened me up. The surgeon literally had to go in up to both of her wrists before she could even view and assess the damage. Borderline abdominal rot I like to call it.
There was a 6 month time frame between diagnoses and surgery for me. Originally, the GI did start at the bottom of the tier of drug therapy but I was too far gone to respond in a reasonable amount of time. None of the drugs at the bottom of the tier actually had time to get into my system fast enough to advert the freefall that I was on. Therefore, in my reasoning, the top down approach was our ONLY course of action and it worked wonders for me. I currently have one more week of pred @ 2.5mg before I can ditch the stuff (for now). I can safely say I believe remission has been on my horizon for over a month now...shhhhh...don't repeat that too loudly! I wouldn't want to jinx it!
So referring back to the "small study"....I think it needs more funding at least for those of us that are moderate to severe. I can't help but wonder if cases such as randynoguts would have received even more sucessful therapy had we had this approach to therapy "back in the day" as the kids call it. I do still respect the fact that all these biologics are new and we truly don't know the longterm effects but at least it looks promising for me at this time.