I work part time(5 hrs. per day). Everyone knows about
my rectal issues and my need to do sitz baths and the pain from sitting, even standing, etc. and it was agreed that I would be part time on a permanent basis. I provided a Drs. note last year stating I was not to go beyond 5 hours per day. The Dr. & I felt that was a fair amt. of hours and that it would not compromise my comfort/hygeine,etc.
I used to travel quite a bit when I was full time but had to cut back when I went to part time. I am sure some of you would agree, it's tough to be away from home when you need your sitz baths,etc. Well, management is expecting me to travel again even though I would be going well beyond my 25 hour work week. I would even have some 12 hour days! (Some people in the dep't have refused to travel so they are expecting others to step up, including me.) Their reasoning is that is is only about 8 times per year. The problem is, it is all in about 2 months time and it wears me out. One of the trips is even the day after my Remicade and I am useless then!
Anyway, my Dr. has agreed to write a note reiterrating my part time status and he will say whatever I want but I am having a difficult time with what to tell him to say. Does anyone have any suggestions? Not sure if I should have him say no travel or not. I don't mind doing it once in a while but how could I put that in the note. Limited travel, maybe?
I hope I am not coming off as a lazy complainer. I am actually a very hard worker but I know my limitations. The last time I pushed myself too much (last year) I ended up out of work for 4 months.
Any suggestions would be appreciated......Thanks for reading.