Scared me to death there for a minute when you said your wanted everything removed. You cannot have everything removed, only the diseased sections that need to be removed.
I guess I have a very lucky husband as he has had 3 resections, His first was the one that gave him his diagnosis in 1977, second one in 1982 and thrid one in 1992. The only med he has been on was Prednisone for a short time and 6 weeks of full liquids and antibiotics for an abcess to heal.
He takes no meds at this time for the Crohns. He does not have a colostomy but he does have a stricture. He of course lives with the knowledge that he will probably need surgery for the stricture if the need arises. He will tell you he will choose the surgery over the use of any more prednisone.
Now this is just his story but for him surgery gave him many good years. Every single person with Crohn's has a different outcome.
I wish you the best and bless you.