Hi all,
I haven't been on in awhile. I was busy feeling remission (Remicade induced) and loving life. I went off Remicade to have our third child. I had a great pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby boy. about a month after the baby was born Crohn's returned with a bang! Worse than ever before. I began Remicade again every 8 weeks. Four 'cades later, I still feel bad. I also take Entocort EC and Prilosec to no avail. Last Friday I could barely get the infusion b/c of the D. I do still go to work every day and am able to take care of my children. But it is very hard in this condition. My doctor had said I should consider taking Humira if the Remicade isn't working for me. That seems logical to me.
My boss wants to send me to be evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic. He thinks they can figure something out for me. I'm not sure they can do anything different for me. What do you all think?