pianogrl said...
My doctor said that it is more likely for siblings to have Crohns than for a parent to pass it on to a child.
However, I have crohns, and my grandmother has crohns. My mom doesn't have hardly any symptoms. But, my grandmother and I have almost the exact same complications and symptoms. She has had 3 bowel resections and I am looking like I might have to have one this summer.
So, who knows really. My sister went in last week, just make sure about things, and hasn't heard back yet.
Researchers know...
According to research if one parent has IBD (either CD or UC) their offspring has an estimated 10- to 15- fold increased rish of developing IBD compared with those who don't have a parent with IBD....parents are not necessarily the only way it can be passed down.
This is the conclusion they've come to learn as of now...it's not to say that it can't skip generations but there is definitely a link to a parent having IBD and the increased risk of their offspring developing it as well...my mom has UC.