MikeB said...
Small bowel cancer is very rare, though the risk is slightly increased in Crohns. The risk of colon cancer is also elevated, but not as mush as with ulcerative colitis. Crohns patients with disease of 15-18 yeras or more are suggested to have screening colonoscopies every 2-3 years . . . and that should take care of any problems early, as colon cancer is notoriously slow growing in early stages. As someone said, we are probably better protected from intestinal cancer than the general population.
Yes, small bowel cancer is rare, but Crohn's patients have a 40-60 fold increase of risk as compared with the general population. It is extremely difficult to diagnise small bowel cancers (not with colonoscopies). As I know, most of the small bowel cancer patients cannot live more than 6 months after diagnosis.
Crohn's patients only have slightly increased risk of colon cancer than the general population. And the prognosis is better for colon cancer patients.