I didn't even get through half of yesterday's pacts, because I crashed. I dragged myself through the day, feeling terrible, went straight to bed after dinner and woke shortly before dawn. The good thing is that I feel a little bit more rested than I have been *and* have been up and about
for a few hours now.
So. Thursday's pacts:
* basic chores - do dishes (done), shower, make bed (almost done), 5x5 minutes tidying. No gardening unless the weather improves.
* Thursday's chores - do a load of washing, do the ironing, start fixing hems on trousers.
* Wednesday's chores (I didn't do them yesterday
) - sweep / vacuum and wash as many floors as I can (done two this morning already)
* continue blitzing errands and errand-related paperwork.
* Crohn's & fibro care - get back on track with meds. Exercise. Stretching x3.
* Mental health - meditate. Pray. Read some non-fiction; read the newspaper. Phone someone.
I also want to try to cut my sugar intake and work on my posture - I tend to slump when I'm tired.
Bonus points if I do 15 mins of pricing and / or studying, but I don't expect to do them today.
Oh, and have some fun watching the gymnastics.