do you have a waffle iron? If so how often do you use it? A George Foreman Grill? and you use it how often? How many machines do we buy only to stuff them in a cabinet once the novelty wears off?
This is based on our machine and experience...others may be different
the point being that unless you absolutely know you are going to use the juicer all of the time it probably is not worth the investment. My wife bought one last year...the first two weeks...fresh juice everyday...the next few weeks fresh juice every now and then...then she put it away to make room on the we have fresh juice about every three months...when she thinks about it, followed by buying the fruit, cutting the fruit, setting up the machine and actually making the juice.
Besides always having the machine is a lot of work to clean..not hard work...just lots of parts you must be sure are clean and sanitized between juicings.
The next issue for me has been the quality of the fruit...sure fresh juice almost always beats store bought...but sometimes the fruit is a bit sour...or less than flavorful. the carrots can be a bit bitter.... you never really know until you juice them or taste them and by then it is too late, you have already spent the money. Retail juices are formulated and produced to be consistant batch to batch...if a big company gets a sour batch of fruit they simply blend it with other sweeter fruits...or add pear juice....thus getting a consistant product.
for me the answer is to take the money you would have spent on a good machine, $200 to $500, and use it to purchase good high quality natural juices from your local farms, stores or natural food least that way you can be sure of the level of quality and consistency. You may also want to consider buying high quality frozen/shelf stable concentrates...that way you don't have to worry about the juice going just make it as you want it.
One thing I do now is to buy good quality juices and concentrates...when thirsty or in need of the nutrition (even if I am not thirsty) I make a fruit drink of half juice and half water...sure it tastes watered down...but that is not so bad gives me some flavor in my water and cuts back on the calories. It also lets me ingest the juice at half strength but by days end I have consumed a good amount of juice.
The last thing to consider is buying lots of frozen fruits and making slushies or freezes from those...maybe even add some protien powder...a good blender is a lot less expensive and easier to use than a juicer....
How much you use the juicer will depend on your spare time and dedication to the task of juicing. I take the lazy way out...and put the juicer away so that I could just purchase the natural juices I want and need.
this is all just my opinion of course