If you guys remember I was having a terrible time with my GI doc. In serious need of a new one. I was still figuring out what to do, as I could only go to this one group with my insurance, and they are terrible with letting you switch.
But today I was looking up doctors on my insurance's website, and sure enough they take more now!! YIPPEEE!!! They take another office that has several in there, as well as some doctors who have single practices. I am so happy that I'm not stuck with this one place now! So now I just need to get my primary to refer me to a doctor elsewhere. I hope that won't be difficult.
But on the other hand I don't really like idea of starting all over too. I imagine the new one will want to do the whole round of testing to see things for themselves. I'm also afraid it will look good in there, if I'm in remission, and they will snatch my diagnosis away. Even with all my history (considering my old GI was too wishy washy to stick to the Crohn's diagnosis he gave me, and was treating me for 2 years for). After 10 years of going without treatment, or a diagnosis, I can't imagine going back to square one again. All very scary for me. But I know I can't stay with this guy though!