I had to take my kids with me (4yrs & 2 yrs) to my appointment because I couldn't get a babysitter. They were sitting in the chair while I was on the examining table and my 2 year old starts to thump the cabinets with his shoe. It's NOT like a banging drum, but definitely a bit distracting (I like my kids to be seen and not heard in those situations) so I say, "Excuse me" to the doc and then tell my 2 year old monkey to please stop doing that.
Doc turns to my kid and says, "Do you want me to come to your house and kick your toys? Don't kick my cabinets."
My jaw drops. I KNOW children at the doc's office are LESS than desireable, but honestly, was that kind of response warranted? I'm trying to decide whether or not I should be offended. :)