Sorry to hear about the problems...
My best suggestion is to keep on top of the Dr's. You need to let them know that what's going on is not OK. See if they can get you into a Gastroenterologist ASAP. You probably know with your sister what all this is.
Drink lots of fluids, and try to Gatorade/Vitamin water -- things like that. Any extra nutrients you can get into your body are critical.
The main thing though is NOT TO FREAK OUT. Sounds easy, right? Crohn's and Migraines are stress-related. Try and get rest for your body/mind/tummy/overall well being. It could just be something else that isn't auto-immune. (I hope so!) The thing is that because of your family, you know about these problems. I could go on and on, but think about "normal" people who don't know what the heck Crohn's or Colitis or, etc... is... ya know what I mean?
I hope you get help. I hope all is well.
Let me know if I can do anything...
Post Edited By Moderator (Ides) : 10/24/2008 10:11:39 PM (GMT-6)