Osprey101 said...
If you're in a clinical trial, don't they offer you some venue to report adverse side-effects, or at least ask questions?
Yes, they do. But, given I just STARTED the clinical 7 days ago, but have been on Remicade for 2 1/2 years and off and on prednisone at doses as high as 60mg for nearly a year combined, I'm more inclined to think it's NOT the clinical. I'll certainly be following up with the researcher about
my concern, but I don't want to jump to conclusions that it is some sort of skin cancer. That said, it does bother me that they just sort of popped up.
Robert - Thanks for the run down. I found that website last night and looked into a bit. Was looking for photos, but couldn't find much that really matched up. I see my family physician this week for my daughter, and I'm just going to have her to a quick look and see if I can get a referral to a derm to rule it out. I never realized that those with lowered immune systems are more suspectible to skin cancer.....scary stuff...