Bible, and others..
Mostly, I don't like to post too much because I'm so out of touch with the drugs, etc. that are used for Crohn's these days.
But, I feel compelled to sort of let you get an idea of what the opposite end of the picture looks like. My wife, Christina had spinal Stenosis for over thirty years. When doctors saw her Xrays that showed quite a few of her vertabre had collasped and were resting on her nerves, they knew how much pain she had to be in. A surgical solution was out of the question because there was no such thing as a new spine with all of the trimmings so they didn't mind giving her high octane pain pills.
They started, when they became available, with 3 500/325 mgs a day of percocet. This went on for about close to a year, when they and she decided she wasn't getting enough so they increased it to 5 percocets a day.
Now, because I was a (good?) husband and knew how much she was hurting, I never told her when or how many to take, I was convinced how much she was hurting and felt it my duty and responsibility to make sure she had what she needed, and the doctors even the pain clinic doctors whenever they saw pictures of her spine would agree to the advance in number of pills. (I asked her to go to the pain clinic so her regular doctor would have back-up if he needed it), but she had the same doctors through her ordeal, And the same group of doctors perscribed all of her pills.
Later on, they decided, because of new procedures, they would try to do something to her spine so that she might be a little relieved of some of the pain and in the meantime she was required to wear a pace maker for her Heart. And me being the really (wonderful husband?) that was going to see that my wonderful wife was going to get everything she needed for pain or any thing else she needed for her health.
To make a long story short, my wife did have the surgery, a week later she died of heart failure. That was three years ago. The year she died with the help of her doctors, the surgeon, and me, the (wonder husband?) The drug bill alone was over $44,000.00. please don't missunderstand, I never minded the expense. I had become very successful, kids had all grown up, when whe was feeling good we traveled, we had a wonderful life together, she was my best friend, we cared for each other like mother-hens, when she died, we had been married 55 years. She was one of the early dental hygienist in the state of Georgia since 1956 and she was also an Artist (over 100 of her paintings hang in my house today).
As a point of addiction to drugs let me say this. I don't care if you'r hurting or not, if you take Percocet or Oxycontin you'r going to get addicted. And in my opinion, if you can control when you are going to take them, you don't really need them. about six months before her surgery she was taking 10 (10x325)percocets a day and eight 20mgs of Oxycontin a day, all with doctors permission.
Is Bibles husband such a bad guy,? I don't know. Should I have been more like him,? I don't know.
By the way Christina was 75 years old when she died, I'll be 81 in February, I've had severe Crohn's for going on 53 or 54 years now, nine surgeries including 6 major resections that cost me 60 percent of my intestines, and since I stopped listining to my doctors about twenty years ago, and decided then that I would do my own doctoring, I have not had another episode of Crohn's that I couldn't handle on my own.
In all of the years I've had Crohn's there was only the time when I had a blockage and my wife was taking me to ER room when the doctor told me to go ahead and take one of her percocets and he would meet me at the Hospital. That's the only pain pill that I ever took, he was strictly against pain pills and I knew why, that's why I never took but that one pill, on the way to the hospital.
. Respectfully