You guys are great. :)... Thanks for asking about
me. Sorry, I haven't been on lately. It's been... an interesting holiday season. I've gotten to see all of my siblings, which is pretty good. I'm really proud of my sister... She's in the Army now... stationed in Colorado. She did great in bootcamp. She was the leader of her platoon and everything. :)
I'm doing really good... :)... Only complaint I have would be my joints.. //@.@\\'... But otherwise, everything else is good... My Crohn's is under control... Very few bathroom problems... No tummy pain... :)... And I'm doing pretty well anxiety-wise, too... I get a little down every now and then, but it isn't anything I can't handle... Just trying to enjoy myself while I'm feeling good...
And Fitzy, I can be a procrastinator, too, sometimes.. *lol* But I got done with my finals early... I didn't have that many... seeing as to how I had to drop a lot of my classes because of being in the hospital a lot... //-_-\\'.... I'm hoping next semester goes better.... retaking those classes... As long as I stay well, I get the feeling I should do great... :D
I'll try to pop in more often... :)... I do get to missing you all... I'm just very easily distracted... //^_^\\'