I'm beyond tired ALL the time. My B-12 and K-Lor levels seem fine during the blood workups I have every 3 months but I still can barely get out of bed everyday and it is SO hard to do the things that I LOVE doing.
Last Spring and Summer I was doing great with my energy levels.
I could play with the horses&dogs, go for long walks and do all the others things that I wanted to do.
But in the last 3 months I can barely take the dogs outside, let alone ride the horses and walks are out of the question.
I still get myself up and out of bed to do the farm chores but on my days off all I do is sleep.
I can't drink any of the energy drinks, they don't sit well with my stomach, and I take a daily active vitiman everyday.
I make sure that I have plenty of easily digestable protein everyday.
I'm on a super tight budget right now( like everyone else is) so things like accupunture(sp?) is out although I have found someone local that does energy healings that are pretty inexpensive.
Is there anything else I can do to get my energy back?