Dr Appt outcome:
She actually thinks it may not be my crohn's. She said it sounds like my gallbladder/pancreas to her and ordered a bunch of bloodwork. However, since I am feeling eversomuch better, the labs may not show anything.
I went to get the labs done and it's going to be $400, so I am not getting those done.
Reading up on pancreatitis and it sounds like something that can wait if in fact it's only chronic and not acute. While it may have been acute last week, I am better now, and I'm going to have to back burner all these tests until my next go round with it--which will probably be in a few months based upon how it's gone up to now.
So maybe I am still in remission!! I have never fit the profile for Crohn's--It was only diagnosed on a fluke because of the gallbladder pain, but then the CD dx took the focus off the gb and nothing ever got done to fix it. All my problems were blamed on my CD, and I am positive that it was the GB all along that was causing the pain.
I am enjoying a lunch of real food today.