Hi all
I have been suffering with diarreah for a week now with servere stomach pain/cramps. Going up to 10 times at night & day. I have lost about 2 stone and when i thought about it people have been telling me i have been losing weight over the last month! i cannot even keep dry toast in me.
Dr has signed me off for a week and sent off a stool sample thinking i may have food poisioning? had no vomiting
I have had IBS for years now but i have never had any tests DR just persumed based on my info? This included bloating and nausea and mainly lose urgent stools.
Before Christmas i had a lower appetite and kept feeling faint/dizzy! I am always tired and have been for years! I often get tears round my bottom hole which bleed and cause me pain!
I have been smoking for the last couple of months so wondering if this could have flared something up?
Do you think this could be Crohns it is def not what i feel when sufering IBS or just a bug that wont go away? how long should i leave it before i ask for more tests?
Any advice welcome thanks