Hi there. I have had esophageal flare ups. I don't recall any serious difficulty breathing. I did pant going up and down stairs, but didn't feel the sensation of gasping. Just pain in the esophagus. I agree with kittikat and Nanners. I had nearly the same experience as kittikat, flutters, some shortness of breath, fatigue, and after lots of tests, did have some low iron and was in a flare- but didn't realize it.
As nanners stated, I had a lot of anxiety over my health. It took me years to understand and realize that I suffered anxiety and depression. I did have all the same symptoms earlier described with my anxiety attacks too. Lexapro has completely relieved me of my panting, racing heart, and the fatigue related to anxiety.
Best to you. With the cost of healthcare, maybe a blood test would be the best place to start before you go through further tests for asthma, cariac, EDG. They should probably be done though, at any rate.
God Bless,