We've all been there. (Furtive crumbs off whiskers brushing motion emoticon)
I've been on a gluten and dairy free diet for about
fifteen years now, and my body is still "learning" that some things aren't right. It keeps telling me that it's "natural" to eat certain things that the rest of the observable human race has no problems with - and right enough, I have all the necessary olofactory receptors and intestinal plumbing to want them, so I do. It's only when you have had the necessary pain and misery very obviously as a result of transgression that your body really begins to wise up. Eg, eat a slice of bread, pooh blood and writhe in pain an hour later.
Eat a slice of bread with a full meal then do that, body isn't too bright
....decidedly dim in fact.
It's a learning curve we are all on.
And for the record - I think Margie will back me up on this one - trying to kick yourself in the bum leads to an awfully sore knee and a banged head when you land !