I'm very new here...still in the process of getting diagnosed, but my experience is that the blood test isn't that accurate. After my colonoscopy, upper endoscopy and biopsies indicated Crohn's, a lot of my symptoms subsided for a while, so the doc said we should confirm with the blood work. The blood work came back negative, and he told me that meant I didn't have Crohn's. OF course, I got super excited and relieved! But, going back for follow up tests showed that it probably was. When I asked the doc about the negative blood, he said the test is supposed to be 90% accurate, but in his experience more like 50-60%. Not good enough to tell someone they DON'T have it, in my opinion! I just did the pill camera last week as a final confirmation, so should get those results back then...
Anyway, I'm skeptical of the blood test...