After my dx, Remicade was the first medication I was given. I went from not having the energy to move, intense pain, and not eating for 2 months to normal within 1 infusion. It was a miracle drug for me. The only side effect I had on it was hair loss - which was not noticeable to anyone but me.
I was on it 2.5 years. At that point, I started to react during the infusion and soon found myself in a flare. GI decided that I had built antibodies to it so my body was rejecting it and it no longer worked. I moved to Humira then, which again was a lifesaver.
I was on it under the care of 3 different GIs. One did it in office - I just sat in a patient room most of the day. One did it in the outpatient area of the local hospital - I was usually in a curtained area with my own TV, chair, etc. The last one did it in office as well. My new GI has patients go to the county health center for the infusion. Just depends on the doc.
The infusion itself was a piece of cake. I did not take premeds, I did homework or watched movies on my laptop, brought food in with me, read magazines, etc. I was fine to drive myself there and back and often returned to work or school.
Mine varied from 4-12 weeks apart, depending upon my health at the time.