First I knew I had it was after emergency surgery for suspected ruptured appendix - no symptoms except bad pain and feeling nauseous up to then. I've been in hospital twice since then for obstructions - same symptoms but naively I never thought this was Crohn's - just complications from original surgery. Inbetween I have occasional bouts of diarrhea and pain but have largely coped with these and led a very active life until 10 weeks ago...........resection!
I too had been taking lots of Ibuprofen for flu and back pain, and was also a heavy smoker - I haven't been under a gastro doctor for many years so I had no idea these were really bad for CD
funnily enough symptoms had been bowel spasms which I hadn't experienced before and put down to stress -but what took me to the doctors was again right sided pain and feeling nauseous.
I wish there was some alarm bell that has sounded earlier - I just don't seem to have had the route that so many of you have experienced, and I genuinely believed that I had had Crohn's once out of bad luck and any problems since have been because of scars!!!!!! Now I'm getting paranoid about every little twinge or if I haven't been to the loo enough!!
Penny xx