Whats going on guys. Im 20 now and need to stop going to these docs where 3 year old kids are running around. Im trying to find a primary care doc, a GI, and a pain mangemnt doc.
I called 1! GI today and some b!tch secteray said he is not accepting new paitents real rudely. ANyway how Do I do this. I had to post like this a while back but does healingwell not let you search? Maybe some1 can find it?
Should I just call my parents pcps get an appointment with them...then have them refer me to a GI or Pain doc. I would like my GI to be out of Penn Hospital in Philadelphia but I would also like them to be specialized in internal medcine.
So how DO I get the ball rolling, get out of this pain and finally get some freakin meds. My pedriatc GI doesnt do or give me nothing and its really getting annoying