My crohn's is flared and so are my joints. The pain of course is getting worse
and worse. I'm waiting to go on Cimzia for the first time but doc said it would
be a few weeks as it takes a little bit to go through insurance. So last week I
went to see my Rhemie looking for a bridge to help with this pain until I can get
going on the Cimzia. He gave me that 7 day steriod pack and it isn't even touching
the pain and swelling in my joints so thats a waste. But he also gave me
Tramadol. It is helping to take the edge off at night so that's a plus. However,
that stuff makes me very sleepy so I'm not going to be able to take this stuff
during the days during the week and function still at work. Unless of course
I don't go to work which if I don't get on the Cimzia soon, that might be
happening. My joints are getting worse as the days/weeks are going on. I'm
about ready to go doc and say look, if you don't me on this stuff soon, I'm going
to be in a wheelchair. Seriously. I can barely walk now as it is.