Hi all just a lil background history i was diagnosed with Chrons 2 years ago. I live in Christchurch New Zealand. im 29. At first they thought it was a Pendicitis then Celiacs under further investgation tests and torture they diagnosed me with chrons.I have been on various medications to try treat it. Upto 7 weeks ago i was on 20 odd tablets a day. It got to the point were i couldnt handle the taking all those pills my specalist stopped them all and put me on methotrxate on a monday and folic acid on a friday... unfortunally it hasnt worked and over the last 3 weeks i have been in constant pain, 3 visits to the hospital in a week and a half not good. the last vistit they put in a referral to see a surgiacal specalist I was put on "high Proity" anytime upto 3 months.......Anyway i went to see my specalist on thursday (06/09/09)...I got admitted to hospital monday (10/09/09) to hurry the process of seeing the surgeon its just a waiting game i am now facing a bowel resection as all the meds are not working. My quality of life is going down and its now effecting my work and social life.....
After 3 days in hospital plenty of pain relief and other meds. i saw the surgeon yesterday (12/09/09), then had a ct scan which revealed
40cm of my bowel infected with chrons.... I am now booked in for surgery next friday
(21/09/09) to get that 40cm removed.. i am very nervous but excited at the same time. its goning to be good to be pain free...
Well on the 20/09/09 my surgeon rung to cancel my operation i was very upset and had some choice words with my surgeon. after a few phone calls to and from the hosp. it was decided that i was to see the head of surgury the next week. anyway on Sunday 03/09/09 i was in alot of pain so i went back upto the hospital. They decided to admit me again had a I saw the surgeon who decided to stop the predisone (thats why the cancelled my op the dose was to high) and do the opertaion on the thursday. Well it was wednesday and it was all on the op was all go for today........... Well after a 6 week battle its finally been done the surgury was a sucess. I had 30cm of my small bowel removed and dischaged from hospital 5 days after my operation (31st August). I am now at home recovering still on my meds i never realised how much i missed having bowel movements. The cause of my severe flair up was a stricture. Onwards and upwards from here now.
I wish to thank Richard Gearry (Specialist) The nurses and doctors of ward 29 and 17, the surgical team, The social workers, Katherine (dieticain) of Christchurch Public Hospital for all their help and support over the last 6 weeks esp the last week.