I am not sure why..or what is going on..but i found two fissures...which i was able to heal..but now i feel one again more internal...and some strange growth..that looks like a petal and a smaller growth attached to that...they are swollen and very painful and i can see a small vein in the larger growth..i don't know what these are..or how to get rid of them...i am feeling itchy even though i clean myself...this seton makes me feel dirty...i feel like i am itchy inside of the rectum...and i am wondering now..if maybe i allergic to this one..who knows..i am allergic to alot of different materials..i don't know what is causing the pain anymore..but i have spasms of the sphincter muscle...that go on and on and for hours...i am so fed up...i never had these problems prior to all this surgery and these setons...so much of my silk seton is sticking out i am not sure why...i don't know if that means that its tight inside or if its loose...i was told its a draining seton..but what if its cutting through my muscle and this is why i am having all these problems? Sometimes i feel like i just want to take it out so bad...but then i don't really know what the problem is...i am so fed up...and so depressed...