Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting, however I have come to this site many times to read other peoples posts...let me just say I have learned so much...been inspired to cope....and taken many things away from this site...I cannot say enough good things about it, or the people that are members :)
I was diagnosed with Crohn's approx. 7 years ago (I was 21 at the time). Around that time I had two admissions for obstructions and was put on pentasa.
Up until these past few months I did fairly well, requiring no more admissions, medications, etc...Recently however I have been miserable. My symptoms are typically severe bloating, pain/cramping, usually leading to vomiting and sometimes diarrhea.
Since my diagnosis I have been followed by a general internist (I live in somewhat of a rural area).
Within the past month I have had two admissions due to obstructions....initally I was advised by the admitting interist/surgeon that I would most likely require surgery to remove the small area of my bowel that is narrowed....I was prescribed prednisone for one week and discharged and told to follow up with my GP (as the internist I had previously seen has left the area). I did well for approx three weeks before I started to get sick again.
On my second admission I was admitted under a different surgeon who indicated that because I have only ever been on the pentasa that surgery should not be considered at this this time (should only be a last resort) and that it was necessary to try other medications first. He referred me to a gastroenterologist located at a health centre 5hrs from my home (prior to this I never even knew that such a specialist was available at all!!) as he felt this person would know what meds may be appropriate. He also prescribed prednisone for one month as he felt that the previous one week during my last admission was not enough to ascertian whether the narrowing in my bowel is caused by inflamation or scar tissue.
This was two weeks ago....For the most part I have been feeling pretty good, I have regular solid bowel movements, my only complaint would be that every couple of days I continue to have the bloated stomach (even days when I have had several bowel movements), accompanied by some crampy pains, tiredness, and lots and lots of bowel sounds and feelings of movement...I also notice that as the noise happens I can physcially see portions of my stomach distend or rise up....this typically lasts a few seconds before the noise/movement happens again and it will go away or move to another spot. Has anyone else experienced this? is it caused by gas?
In terms of medications.....what can I expect? should I have requested we proceed with the surgery?