So those on it, just curious what little side effects your seeing, if any? I know we are all different and going to see different things. Just curious is all...
I only just had my first two injections last week. (Wed.) But so far this is what I'm seeing:
-MOODY!!!! lol I am so moody and crabby like that it isn't even funny. My poor husband got his head chewed off yesterday morning over something so dumb. I felt so bad. I even had a bad day Monday with my boss at work. I feel like I want to cry over anything and everything.
-Not sleeping well- I am NOT a person to wake up in the middle of the night at all. Since about Sunday, I wake up about 2-3 times a night. Then I get all mad when I see its only 2am or 3am and I don't need to be up yet. ugh...
I hope the above will get better with time. Next week I do the next set so will be interesting to see if this stuff gets worse or goes away. I do think it's working though as my bathroom runs have gotten better and I do have a bit more energy then I was having.