Thank you for responding. Ive had tons of test of the last 3 yrs, colon, and endoscopy 1st one 3yrs ago showed only blood splatter in stomach and petica around fundus with neg biopsy. Last endo was 2 yrs ago finding nothing. My previous test in past were postive at 1 time for H pylori but gone there was inflammation but not at time of last endo. Recent blood test for AGG and AGI (Anca Panel was elevated and saccharomyces cervisiae was out the roof, 2nd test 6 months later(recent) was neg for Anaca Panel and out the roof for saccharomyces cervisiae still extremely high, thats why there sending me to new Dr. I was a normal 136 pds at 5,2 inches and now for a year I cant get above 114 pds. Also this year became lactose intolerant.
I found chicken is the only thing I can some what tolerate. I cant even eat hamb. meat anymore. Tried again, was sick for 2 days. IGG is 70.3 and IGA 39.7, normal is 0.0-24.9.Everything feels in the stomach and this last 6 months always have left side pain and bloating gassy, like I can feel gas and food try to push through, thats why I want pill cam done.I can still handle a few pieces of sm. choclate once in a while, but if to much Im sick for a day or 2. I dont know! Im neg for Candidia and celeiac's. My aunt had celeaicas disease and just died of pancreatic cancer in June, also my mom and her other sister both have auto-immune disease, mom had guillian barre and aunt has psroiasis. I told the dr.s I have alot of auto immune problems in close family relatives but they didnt care. Its so hard to work in the medical field and care for sick people when you can get anyone to listen to you.. I also cant handle hardly any caffenine, drink de-caffe coffe in morning so I can go to bathroom everyday or im just sick and miserable if i dont go to bathroom.
Thank you so much for your info. Its most appreciated that you took the time for me.