Here is my question. In the past for many years I was not on any drugs for my CD, which I now know was a bad move. Since changing GI's I have been put on almost every type of drug out there and nothing seemed to help me. Most of them made me worse. Next week I start Remicade to hopefully put the CD back in check.
Here is my question. I know Remicade is used to reduce the inflammation and calm down the CD. I won't be on this forever. Is there any new maintenance drug out there that anyone has tried. I haven't spoken with my GI yet as I want to take it one step at a time with him and I just want to get the CD under control first. But now I am thinking and worrying that if the Remicade does work, I have nothing to take for Maintenance since I have had adverse reactions to everything. Has anyone been in this situation and what have they done?