Hello and welcome to HW. Like states above, I think the object is to have a colonoscopy when in a flare.
When I was first dx, I was so sick and could barely walk almost wheelchair bound. It took the docs
3 months to figure out what was wrong with me. When I finally got sent in the right directions
and had my first colonoscopy, my colon was so bad I was admitted in the hospital pronto and
told I had crohn's. Well after I wasn't getting better on just predisone, he referred me to
a GI doc who specializes in Crohn's, my first few scopes with him he really didn't think I had crohn's.
But was treating me for it. Until once I was finally having a bad flare and he did a scope and
saw it. Good luck and I really hope your partner gets solid answer soon.
Oh I also had the blood test for it and my test came out as I didn't have crohn's. Its a crazy
disease thats for sure.