brianm said...
Hi PB4! Long time no text! If I could have contacted you via email I would have but since I can't, I just wanted you to know I'm still Crohn's disease free. It's been 6 years and 5 months now and I haven't had any problems at all. Bee Propolis got rid of it for me and I don't see that it will EVER come back. Just thought I'd let you know. Maybe when I have my 7th year anniversary I'll contact you again. You sure do post a lot. :) 14,146 posts? WOW. :)
Hi Brian...I've often wondered how you'be been doing!!!! I still owe so much to you for sharing your experiance with the bee propolis (I'm forever grateful!)...I still take it since the day I started and at least it's helping me stay somewhat stabel, along with the other things listed in my sig, so I'm just happy I'm not as bad off as I was when I knew nothing about the GI is happy that I'm having some improvements with them and encourages me to use it daily and indefinitely cuz they're 100% non-toxic.
I'm glad you've maintained remission for so long and that you don't even have to take them anymore, that's awesome and I hope it continues for you.
Thanks for updating on how you've been doing...yes alot of posts for me eh LOL.
Take care and keep in touch (it's easy to here on the board, I no longer have that old email address anyways.