im looking for some advice from any women who are expereinceing the same as me.
for 2 years i have been experiencing sexual problems with my boyfriend, i get burning stinging pain every time we have sex and its unbearable sometimes lasts for ages afterwards.
after many swabs and negative results as well as been cleared from having any STDS i finally got refferred to a gynacology late in 2009.
they are pretty sure its endometriosis caused by my extensive surgery i had 3 years ago. they suspect i have a lot of adhesions because i had a lot of bowel removed. they cant go in and have a look because they say it will be too dangerous and run the risk of perforating an adhesion etc.
so while its all guess work they want me to try a hormone injection every month that can help the pain by stopping my periods. if the estrogen isnt being produced the scar tissue should reduce or something like that
trouble is im very wary about starting this, they only want me on it a few months as it causes osteoporosis which ive had before, so surely when i stop it the pain will just come back again and my whole cycle will be messed up
i guess my main questions are has anyone been diagnosed with this problem as a result of surgery and how are you coping with it, any tips on how to reduce pain and get on with it, as a result i have no sex drive an depression which puts a huge strain onmy relationship, i am only 20
thankyou xxx